Quality Assurance Commission

Members of the Evaluation and Quality Assurance Commission of
Babeş-Bolyai University


Prof. Ioana BICAN, PhD ― Director of Center Qualitas


Prof. VERES Valér, PhD ― Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Hungarian line of study


Lecturer BALÁZSI Róbert, PhD ― Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Prof. Ioan HOSU, PhD ― Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences

Prof. Nicolae LEOPOLD, PhD ― Faculty of Physics

Assoc. prof. Adriana NEAGU, PhD ― Faculty of Letters

Assoc. prof. Dana OPRE, PhD ― Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Lecturer PÉNTEK Imre, PhD ― Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Hungarian line of study

Assoc. prof. Irina POP-PĂCURAR, PhD ― Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Lecturer Cristina RAŢ, PhD ― Faculty of Sociology and Social Work

Prof. Marcela SĂLĂGEAN, PhD ― Faculty of History and Philosophy

Lecturer Adrian VIOREL, PhD ― Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, German line of study

Assoc. prof. Monica ZAHARIE, PhD ― Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

student Anamaria ŢÎRDOIU ― Economist Students’ Organization

student Antonio Cristian STAN ― Babeş-Bolyai University Students’ Organization (OSUBB)

student Victor MALAIRĂU ― Faculty of Geography, student senator, CSUBB, Romanian line of study

student SIPOS Zsuzsa ― Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, student senator, CSUBB, Hungarian line of study

student Rareş MATIŞAN― Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, student senator, CSUBB, German line of study

Permanent guests

Assoc. prof. Radu Mihai MEZA, PhD ― President of the Commission for Curriculum

Prof. Răzvan MUSTAŢĂ, PhD ― President of the Commission for Quality Assurance and University Development

student Denisa Maria MĂLAN ― Prefect of students, CSUBB


dr. Adriana ŞERBAN ― sociologist, Center Qualitas

Regulation on the Organization and Functioning of the Evaluation and Quality Assurance Commission of Babeş-Bolyai University


Commissions for Evaluation and Quality Assurance by faculties

Evaluation and Quality Assurance Commissions at the faculties of Babeş-Bolyai University, 2022-2023

Evaluation and Quality Assurance Commissions at the faculties of Babeş-Bolyai University, 2021-2022

Evaluation and Quality Assurance Commissions at the faculties of Babeş-Bolyai University, 2020-2021

Evaluation and Quality Assurance Commissions at the faculties of Babeş-Bolyai University, 2019-2020

These commissions aim at implementing quality assurance strategies and policies, in accordance with the vision, mission and policy of Babeş-Bolyai University and in accordance with the national, European and international trends on higher education.

Objectives and responsibilities

The Evaluation and Quality Assurance Commission of Babeş-Bolyai University has the following objectives and attributions:

• to develop the quality assurance strategy and the specific requirements regarding the implementation of the Quality Management System in the university, as well as its evaluation and audit criteria and methodology in Babeş-Bolyai University;
• to contribute to the development of a culture of quality in the university, both at the level of the academic and administrative staff, as well as of the students and establish measures for its consolidation;
• to disseminate in academia informations on quality culture specific to the European universities, and American, and Asian;
• to establish criteria and initiate analyzes and evaluations based on quality criteria at the level of faculties, departments, administrative services, respectively at the level of teaching-learning and research processes and academic services;
• to provide feedback from students and employees on all aspects of academic life;
• to propose internal and external evaluations and make public their results;
• to cooperate with the Romanian specialized Agency for higher education quality assurance, with other competent agencies and bodies or similar institutions from the country or abroad, according to the law;
• to carry out scientific research on higher education quality assurance field, leading to the publication of quality assurance materials at Babeş-Bolyai University;
• to publish materials on quality assurance in higher education.